Top Left: Sorry Howard but this is a cracker of you when we were on the pop in LondonTop Right: Mr Simon Kirk striking a familiar pose, ravishing a bottle of beer at Stratford races last yearMiddle: Howard the day after after Pukes stag do, looking a bit 'dead to the world' me thinks. Erm.. don't ask me what he's doin with his hand...Bottom: Keith Maiden looking ever foolish on Pukes Stag do last year
This picture is of the first ever Clarks game that was played down at Temple Grafton CC in June 1992. Unfortunately its a little bit small but this was all the computer would allow me to do. I have no names for the Clarks although i do distinctly remember that there team was pretty much Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark, Clark oddly enough with the only other addtiion being Reg Stanley. On the front row, the Grafton lot pictured from right to left are: Robin Morris, Martin Ashfield, Simon Kirk, Alan Green, Phil Stanley, Ron Douglas, Steve Gardner, Paul Brouwer, Terry Gasper, Jason Gregory and Alan Benjamin Taken from the league debut at Welford on Avon is skipper Martin Ashfield in action with Dave Compton in the back ground. Sorry its a little unclear but thats newspapers for you. If you can't make out what is written underneath, its says: 'Villages lock horns: Welford and Temple Grafton made their Cotswold Hills League bows on Saturday and the latter found it hard work in the field'. Bit of an understatement from the Evesham Journal there i do believe...
The above three pictures are taken by the ever young 50 year old Nick Morgan's birthday bonanza. Top left to is Nick receiving a present from Joy Fryer, Top right is Nick making Viv very scared and at the bottom is Nick getting caught short and having to take a leak in the corner.... i jest of course apparently he was cutting the cake. JUBILEE 2002 For those that were present at the Queens Golden Jubilee party they i'm sue ould back me up in saying what fantastic day out it was. Staged in Tats field there was all kinds of entertainment during the day including races, shooting, bouncy castle, quad bike raing aomngst others. Later in the evening when the ale was flowing nicely the bonfire was lit and a mavellous fireworks display followed whih preceded an absolutely fantastic barbeque. All the est is a bit blurry but i do remember it being a fantastic day and that we arrived home in the early hours in wheelbarrows....Here are two pictures of what sort of state people got into at the jubilee do (Robin Morris on the left and the ever young Nick Morgan on the right), unfotuantely at present i have no other pictures of the jamboray so you'll have to wait while i make a compilation off various village folk