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kirklees ladies Football Club Guestbook

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24/6/2002 11:19 GMT  klfc
SOMEONE, to play for an "open age" club i think you need to be 14 +. Claire soz mate...we didn't exactly win the trophy but we did ourselves proud!! we got to the 1/4 finals! see you thursday!!  
23/6/2002 20:59 GMT  coral
hi ppl i love yor web sit ehave u not got any pictures to put on  
23/6/2002 20:24 GMT  SOMEONE
What age do you start from i am from newcastle and i am 13  
22/6/2002 09:51 GMT  Claire
Good luck girls for Sunday. Sorry I can't be there to watch... See you all on Thursday at training when hopefully you'll be bragging about how you won the trophy!!! 
29/5/2002 20:00 GMT  Lee (Mid Ulster FC)
Hi, read your email on our website (Mid Ulster Ladies) Taking points off you, snot on!!!! I actually live in Leeds but come home in summer to play for mid ulster, not very good but I might come and train with ya if you'll have a rowdy irish lass!!! 
29/5/2002 19:01 GMT  Scalby
Hi can u add us to your links please its Thanx Scalby 
26/5/2002 14:26 GMT  Captain Zippy
Well done girls for getting through this season! It's been hard this year with turning out with 8 or 9 players each week but we have done our selves proud and we are ready for next season. So watch out Huddersfield here we come! Keep up the good work in training and let's win the league for Andy! Just to let u all know Rooster is thinking about joining us AGAIN!! 
22/5/2002 15:55 GMT  Rick Astleys Ugly Brother
Coming live from planet mars, Rick Astleys Ugly Brother. Just a quick oneto say great ssite but i feel as if you need a little addition to it. You should include a caption which outlines the managers thoughts for the gamesjust played and future fixtures! i don't know just an idea 
21/5/2002 22:32 GMT  Nic (Norton LFC)
Hey! Love the site, was it difficult to set up? How did you all do in the Flo Bliton tournament? I just wanna say Good luck for next season & I look forward to playing you again.  
21/5/2002 19:00 GMT  MUST READ !!
21/5/2002 11:44 GMT  Ginners
Sorry Speedy but as it is now only 13 DAYS until i go u r going to be hearing a lot about it!  
17/5/2002 22:19 GMT  wakefield ladies fc
Thanks for your nice message kirklees , our best to you too , shame about barnsley's attitudes! they always have to have the last word , like on our site , children!! 
15/5/2002 17:21 GMT  Speedy
Ginners if you don't stop going on about Jamaica I'm going to kick your ass!! 
15/5/2002 11:45 GMT  shane tudor
hi girls, bad luck on sunday hope everyone gets better from the injuries you all picked up, i was coming to c u all on thursday but got told off i was gonna have a peek at this christine michelles been talking about good luck shane  
14/5/2002 15:54 GMT  Martin (ossett albion)
I cannot remember who crossed the ball, but i did think the penalty was harsh, your player actually had her foot lifted when making contact just inside the area and she did not step inside so i thought the ref was a bit generous to give us it, i had actually just turned up after traveling 350 miles (from Dundee) to be there, the draw looked like a fair result but i would have liked our stand in manager to stick another striker on cos i could tell you were struggling in defence (alls fair in love and war) it did seem like everyone enjoyed themselves and it was good to see our old friends Wakefield beat Barnsley to the semi-final spot, are you going to any other tournaments this season? 
14/5/2002 11:43 GMT  Ginners
Dunno about the time table for all the matches but England play Sweden on Sunday 2nd June, Argentina on 7th June (When incidently i'll be in Jamaica just so everyone knows!!!) and Nigeria on Wednesday 12th June, not sure of times though..... anyway the tournament was good fun on Sunday, sorry we didn't manage to kick any premier ass (we didn't kick anyones ass if i'm being truthful) unfortunaely we also picked up a couple of injuries as well, good job the season has ended! i myself have a very sore thumb (Thanks whoever the Ossett player was who crossed the ball just before the penalty!!!!), Nicola hurt her ankle (not sure how bad that is now she is ignoring my text!) and Rachel ended up in A & E with a bruised temple but thankfully is ok. Maybe Brigg is jinxed for us with injuries (and losses as well!) Ah well, best of luck to everyone in pre season and hopefully we will be be all fit and raring to go when the new season starts up again 
11/5/2002 13:48 GMT  kirklees
martin (ossett) im not too sure if Kath and Mary will be able to make it to the Tourni this sunday though we look forward in seeing you all there and kick sum ass! 
11/5/2002 13:38 GMT  klfc
TOLD WHEN ASKED why don't you come see us play and see for yourself! 
9/5/2002 23:10 GMT  shane tudor
hi ladies, good luck on sunday in your tournament hope u win and good luck for next season, hello christine love shane xx  
9/5/2002 14:57 GMT  Martin (ossett albion)
The moss farm tournament is on the 13/14 July. I see that we have got Kirklees in our group for the Flo Bilton 7 a-side this weekend, will be good to see Mary and Kath again, lets see if we can kick some premier div ass eh? 
9/5/2002 00:00 GMT  Vic
Does any1 know when the Moss Farm tournament is yet? 
8/5/2002 09:54 GMT  Told when asked
Hi Ladies where u from and any body free  
7/5/2002 09:35 GMT  Rob Johnson - Airport Athletic FC
Cheers for message on our guestbook, not had much chance to check the website this past season, which has been a shame. I have been reading your news section, and it seems a disgrace that you were docked 3 points and fined £25. We used to play in another jobsworth league, the Salford Sunday League, but thankfully we've got out of there and are in a better league next season. Although the ruls must state that you have to play a game with 7 players, it just doesn't make any sense at all. Why didn't they just accept you postposting the game and let you rearrange it. It surely cannot affect the league that much. My sympathies are with you, and In hope that you have been successful in your appeal. And I hope your team grows from strength to strength!! 
2/5/2002 08:20 GMT  Vicki - Huddersfield Town Ladies
I would just like to say how sorry i am for the troubles that you are having. Hopefully the league may see sense on this matter and give you your well deserved points back. Good Luck! 
1/5/2002 07:42 GMT  Heather - Mid-Ulster Ladies, Northern Ireland
Hi guys, thanks for the message on our guest-book. Sorry to hear about the problems with your league. We totally sympathise, we're only a small club ourselves and a couple missing leaves us really stuck as well. I think your League could be a bit more supportive, stick to what they're supposed to be doing and develop women's football instead to trying to destroy clubs. I guess we're all heading that way, in N.I. this year they've created a Disciplinary Officer with the power to levy fines as he sees fit, so we'll probably find a few teams over here suffering this year. Good Luck with the appeal and keep on fighting P.S. You didn’t look hard enough for clubs in N.I. and that’s still no excuse to go to England !!!!!  
28/4/2002 23:03 GMT  Roger White (Cottage Farm Rangers)
I am sorry to hear about your plight. My girls play in Warwickshire, and 2 or 3 teams in our division have had the same problem as you. Fortunately, we have a sensible league, who would rather keep teams going than making them play with only 7 players. It has happened a couple of times since Xmas, but the teams involved were given 3 weeks off to try and sort themselves out, which was good, because they all found extra players. I dont understand your leagues thinking about this, it seems you have a Jobsworth on the Committee, pity. I hope they see the error of their ways. I would suggest you transfer to our league, but I think the petrol bill might bankrupt you. I hope you get your points back and the league see common sense. Good luck for the future.  
27/4/2002 10:31 GMT  Ginners (again!)
Sorry about the "*not the official view of the club" i was going to write something not very complimentary about the league but decided against it but then forgot to delete that part! oops! 
27/4/2002 10:24 GMT  Ginners
Once again thanks for the overwhelming support from everyone, it really does give us a lift! Our secretary wrote a letter to the league on Wednesday gone and when (if) we get something back i'll let u know.The league idea from Martin sounds brilliant, plus which no crack of the morning starts for away games on the other side of Yorkshire! If the league don't back down legal action is a possibility and i'll have to do some research on it if worse comes to worse. We have something in the pipeline for the league tournament next week (i hope it dosn't rain!) and maybe having a petition for everyone to sign when we're there. Will let u know more when i know more. Keep tuning in for updates *not the official view of the club! On a more positive note (i don't moan ALL of the time contrary to Kath B's assessment!) the team seem to have come along leaps and bounds under new manager Andy with training more organized and new skills being learnt so next season should be even better for us!  
26/4/2002 15:42 GMT  fi
hi, sorry to hear about the, quite frankly wrong, actions of the league. U seem to have earned those points fair and square, infact probably more than fairly if there was only 6 of u!Well chin up lasses, and battle the powers that be all the way. In my opinion, the whole league needs a good sorting out anyway, it seems there is very little support and promotion of the leagues and teams. but that is infact a side issue. Good luck in sorting it all out, and good luck next season lasses. fi (thorpe united lfc) 
26/4/2002 14:35 GMT  Martin (Ossett Albion)
As you know we have been a big supporter of your club this season and i see no reason for that to change, the league will have to stand down as they have got this one wrong, we support your claim for an appeal im sure you can have Kath and her legal buddies sort something for you! Just breaking away from you plight, i am just preparing a letter for the league to propose an addition to the league changes which will happen in the summer. Basically they are gonna split the 1st div and have a west and east divisions and only ONE promotion from each, youve only got to look at the league table to see who that is gonna benifit the west (us lot) finished in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th in the league so whilst we all fight it out (with White Rose from the Prem) all the lower first division teams from the east (no offence) will be looking at getting into the premiership at our expense. i am looking for backing in proposing a play off situation where the runners up of each division will play off against the 3rd from bottom in the premier to decide who goes up, it ensures that there is no imbalance between the two divisions. let me know what you think on our site 
25/4/2002 12:53 GMT  wlfc
glad to see you have got a new manager and more players...good luck for next season...wakefield ladies 
24/4/2002 22:48 GMT  simo
Good on you Kath and all the lasses,you done yourselves proud so dont let those idiots at the league get you down,keep those chins up and you'll do well next season,you are a good bunch of lasses and maybe i'll see you next season.Goodluck for next year. 
24/4/2002 11:42 GMT  Kath Hayes
Come on girls, we can appeal this and get it sorted. This club has great team spirit and deserves a break, not a kicking, for carrying on when it would have been easy to fold. I for one know I made the right decision when I moved clubs - that's no slight on Ossett but the spirit and the teamwork at Kirklees is the best I have seen! Let's not let the League's short-sighted bureaucracy get us down - and here's to next season! 
22/4/2002 12:20 GMT  Ginners
Thanks for the support everyone!! It is indeed a good thing that the points don't mean anything in terms of promotion or relegation but having fought so hard from them it is harsh to lose them so soon, will have to quiz MH & KH as to the identity of the fellow Y&H team, although i have a suspician!! say no more!! 
22/4/2002 10:13 GMT  chris
go on ginners!! its been a hard fight up till now as we all know, with players leaving us in no-mans land, now the league are putting the boot in too! 
19/4/2002 23:36 GMT  simo
sorry to hear that you have been dock points and also been fined,hopefully when you appeal this the league will reverse their decision when they realise their mistake.It abit of a bummer though and i am with you insaying i think it was abit bloody harsh.Good luck anyway lasses. 
19/4/2002 22:04 GMT  Kath
Well Ginners I'm glad you got all that off your chest!! I'm glad you've explained everything as I couldn't remember why 15 had dwindled down to just 6 at the time. Since we have only got 4 points since last december, having 3 of them taken off us is a bit of a downer to say the least. But at least we can say against all odds we have battled on as a team and finished the season even though at times we've all felt like packing it in. I think this will make us stronger as a team and determined to do well next season. I'm with you all the way in our campaign and I for one am proud of us all!!!! ps I suggest a jumble sale to raise the £25 fine!! 
19/4/2002 14:21 GMT  A fellow Y&H club
I cannot believe that the league has deducted you 3 points for not having enough players, what do they want, are they trying to promote womens football or do they just talk about the weather in their many meetings (I suppose they talk about how hard they can hit teams for fines a bit as well), i could understand it if a team was doing this all the time just to swing it when a star player is missing, but they can see from your reports that you’ve not had 11 for weeks, surely they would have understood, they are trying to get more teams into the league but then kick teams when their down for the existing clubs, would they rather you fold? im sure they wouldn’t cos the Y&H league would look even more pathetic alongside other regional leagues than it already does, i mean, where is the promotion of the league, no website in this day and age, no co-ordination of the fixtures, no real communication between the league and clubs, no understanding on what it takes to run a football team, when you look at womens media circles the Y&H league is nowhere to be found, whereas all the others have tons of information, anything that you see for the Y&H league has probably come from the individual club itself as they can get no backing from the league, they are going backwards in a moving sport, we are supposed to be the fastest growing sport in the UK yet, clubs in the Y&H fold every year, cos when teams like yourself put themselves through hell and back to play a game they get a kick in the teeth and the players can only take so much, in fairness to yourselves I can see you lot coming though this lot and getting stronger for next season, as you have what it takes to succeed, whereas other teams just fold and die away . Why cant the league get a sponsor, maybe then they wouldn’t have to fine clubs for any little mister meaner, I know that you’ve got to have rules but this really takes the pis* an im afraid to say proves what every other club in the league already thought. I wish you all the best in your appeal and I for one will be prepared to write a letter in backing your claim, I suppose its lucky in some terms that your not pushing for the title or promotion cos that might have just ended your interest, even so I would be looking to have the fine cancelled. I wish I could say more on the matter and give you details of which team I represent but I don’t for fear of retribution from the bigwigs. I just cannot wait for the AGM that’s gonna be another joke im sure, I don’t know why they don’t do it on a stage, its seems like a stand up routine to me! Anyway all the best – MH & KH may know me, or at least they should.  
19/4/2002 11:30 GMT  Ginners
Right thats enough of the niceties. We found out last night that we are going to be docked 3 points and fined £25 for calling off a game when we didn't have enough players. The league have said because we have 15 registered players we should have played. To say that i, and certainly the rest of the girls are furious is an understatement. The match was supposed to be played on January 27th. on January 12th we lost 4 players who retired for various reasons (mostly long term injuries they couldn't shake off) That is 4 players out, leaving us with 11 registered players. One of the registered player suffered a sprained ankle at the start of the season and has never returned to train or play with us since then. That leaves 10 registered players Our then captain had been out for a while with a back injury and was not going to be match fit for at least 6-8 weeks. This leaves 9. We then lost another player to a fractured elbow. (ironically caused by a 5 a-side game for her school not by playing for us) This leaves 8. One of our players works shift work which she cannot change and was working that day. This leaves 7. And finally another player had a commitment to be in London on the Sunday of the game which she couldn't break. This leaves 6 registered players. The minimum for a game is 7 so there was absolutely NO WAY we could have played this game, or get new players registered for it on such short notice. To have struggled most of the season having been left in the lurch by those retiring, playing (amongst others) North Ferriby with 8 PLAYERS, and also striving to play games regardless of how many players we had to be then fined and docked 3 points feels like a very hard kick in the teeth. To have not won since December and then finally getting 3 points was such a relief to the girls and it gave us a lift at the right time, getting a new manager, more new players and new training it all seemed to be coming together at last and now the league have taken this achievement away from us. I must at this point say in no way do i or any of the others blame Goole Town for this, i am sure they did not put a report in. We will be appealing this decision and would like everyone to let us know how they feel about this. All comments are welcome (even if u agree with the leagues decision) A lot of the comments on the site have been praising us for playing on with 8,9 and 10 players and it would be nice to know that u r still with us. 
19/4/2002 11:06 GMT  Ginners
Thanks Simo, i'm sure this season with a new manager we will give u a real game and hopefully test u a bit more!! Yes we r going to the 5 a-side on 12th May (i might be still hungover if all goes to plane at Cardiff though COME ON TOWN!!!!) 
18/4/2002 22:39 GMT  simo
oh god i ment to say winning all the time ISN'T always best,sorry for the mistake but i knackered been out on a ten mile cycle ride tonight so thats my excuse apart from being 
18/4/2002 22:36 GMT  simo
Ups sorry ment to say you did yourselves proud.Ginners we might of beaten you but can you say you gave up,no you can't coz you didn't though you were beaten and not just by us but also by Ferriby,if by what i saw you didn't give up battling and with new players and all the guts and determination all your team mates gave was in its self good,coz winning all the time is always best but is good,i don't mind losing as long as we have gave our best,which when we were soundly beaten by Barnsley i really enjoyed that game i gave my best and kept the scoreline respectable only 4-0 which could have easily had been 10-0,but we all have to learn somewhere and i did enjoy playing against you.You are good bunch of lasses and you enjoy playing otherwise you wouldnt play.All the best again for next season and hopefully see you all at the 5-aside tourament in York on the 12th May.Ps i also got my first player of the match at Barnsley coz i kept the scoreline respectable,on the day any team is beatable no matter who they are,including us. 
18/4/2002 11:17 GMT  Ginners
Thanks for the message Simo, not sure about the great games, u hammered us on both occasions as i recall!! Hopefully with a new manager and a few new players we will be able to have a real go this season and challenge for the league title (Ha!) as to the nickname "Ginners" i would have thought it was self explanatory Stovies!!!! 
17/4/2002 21:53 GMT  simo
I'd like to wish the club all the best for next season because you did yourselves this season,some games you only played with 9/sometimes 10 players but you never gave up.It was a pleasure playing against you this season,and you gave us 2 hard fought games aswell.Good luck for next year from a Scalby ladies player and ps it an ok site you got here.All the best 
15/4/2002 20:34 GMT  Huddersfield Irish Centre FC
Why not pay us a visit at for an interesting read surrounding our cup final, exciting website....leave some feedback on our guestbook, well worth a visit. Good luck with all your forthcoming fixtures and for next season 
15/4/2002 11:26 GMT  Bezza
Hi don't suppose you know when the Moss Farm tournament is do ya? 
30/3/2002 19:40 GMT  mary, the Hood
Good luck for sunday's match. We had a great game against Batteyford, hope tomorrow is just as good. I'm sorry I can't be there. We need another one from you Barbie! All the best. 
25/3/2002 16:24 GMT  Martin (Ossett Albion)
Well done with your win yesterday, no more than you deserve after all the effort and hard work i know you players have put into the club since the turn of the year, we know that Battyeford are a bunch of battlers and maybe thats where they came up with the name! That win keeps you above Talbot who have finished their season so well done, hope Mary and kath are doing you proud they certainly never let us down. 
22/3/2002 10:46 GMT  shane tudor
good luck against battyeford and for the rest of the season good website but pictures would be nice on the profiles check out mine at also i am the sister of one of yours players michelle tudor good luck shane 
16/3/2002 19:22 GMT  Robert Pires
Hello Ladies. If you didnt already know, im the french left mid-fielder for Blandford HMR. If you ever want to know how to take the ball around 5 or more players before blasting it into the net then just ask me,as Dave Watkins our manager will tell you. (Robert Pires: Player of the year) 
16/3/2002 14:51 GMT  LEAHARNA
Just to say hi to everyone - I am Twins (Ginners) best mate and I love her "bum" - (couldn't use offensive words)too! Rock ON! 
14/3/2002 10:20 GMT  Huddersfield Irish Centre (Bobby)
Great site ladies visit ours and see if you like! Leave us a msg of what you think,cheers! 
9/3/2002 16:56 GMT  Sparky-ColchesterUtd Ladies FC
Hi there, doing the rounds today to see who else is out there. Like your site, come and visit ours at Dont forget to sign the guestbook. I've put a link on there for you, maybe you can do the same.  
9/3/2002 14:24 GMT  fi
hi!good luck for the season (well wots left of it!!)any chance of a link nice site webmaster!! 
7/3/2002 16:29 GMT  GOOSE
Keep up the good work ladies all the best Crofton A.F.C xxxxxxxxx you aint got any profile picts on are well ,one can dream . 
1/3/2002 12:25 GMT  Louise (AKA) Alki
Just been flicking through some womens football website......must say yours in one of the best i have come across!!!! keep it up and good luck for the rest of the season!!!! also hello to claire stoves!!! hope you are keeping well.....take care luv Louxx 
1/3/2002 08:19 GMT  Sara
Where r the fantastic (!) photos u took Stovies?? 
27/2/2002 22:30 GMT  Mackem, Chester-le-Street Ladies
Christine... Thanks for your message. I was talking to some of your girls when our reserves played Huddersfield Reserves at Leeds Road playing fields a few weeks ago. Good site and good luck for the rest of the season. 
27/2/2002 20:27 GMT  scalby ladies fan
SCALBY RULE!!!!!!!!but good site kirkless.And better look next year eh!!! 
25/2/2002 20:18 GMT  Newark Flowserve F.C.
Thanks for leaving the message, hope you are doing better than we are this season! Where's your team photo got to ? 
25/2/2002 15:06 GMT  Georgie
Great site Ladies, good luck in the future. Come visit out site and leave a message in our guestbook! From all at Docklands Ladies FC 
23/2/2002 22:56 GMT  Fi Urquhart
Hey! I play for Aberdeen Ladies FC way up north in bonnie Scotland. Just hope you have a great season, thanks for visiting our site. Fi 
23/2/2002 16:01 GMT  efm warning
Just a quick word of advise for you lovely northern lasses. "The Gaffer" aka John"shallow hal" Sherwood is a legend on a pull a pig night and any photo's submitted would have him hard tailing it up the M1. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
23/2/2002 13:42 GMT  the gaffer
as EFM's manager i feel a friendly between my bunch of incompetent monkeys and a well drilled outfit like yourselves might be in order (you even train for games!!!). Our season of utter humiliation can only be complete after a good thrashing at the hands of a team of girls.(any chance of a team photo?) 
23/2/2002 09:42 GMT  everyone who works with michelle
we work with michelle and heres some news on her she always is layed back and we think sometimes shes on drugs because shes so hyperactive these are some nickames we call her happygirl barry horne oh and graveyardgirl does she talk to you about us we might come down on sunday to cheer you on oh and scott it was not last night it was wednesday night you dope  
22/2/2002 15:33 GMT  scott sutcliffe
i know how good michelle is on and off the pitch you ment on the pitch didnt you only joking ask what happened on friday night please when she fell off the platform in visage stayed all night in accident and emergency room that was funny 
22/2/2002 13:21 GMT  Ginners
My feet do not smell!!!!  
22/2/2002 09:38 GMT  Parson's Green FC
Thanks for the message on our site.... You keep promising photos, so where are they?????? 
21/2/2002 13:40 GMT  WVLFC
Thanks for viewing our site! im sure your season cant have been that bad! the important thing is to keep your heads up at all times! Best of luck for the rest of the season and next season from all at Wollaston Victoria Ladies F.C.  
21/2/2002 13:26 GMT  to scott sutcliffe
if you wanna see how good Michelle is you should come and watch us at Leeds Road Playing Field on Sunday 
20/2/2002 17:02 GMT  Never Mind
If you do get promoted, whihc i do hope you do, you will be playing against us next season ...... good luck!!!!! 
20/2/2002 16:35 GMT  Never Mind
Just wanted to say good luck to Kirlees for the rest of the season.... have seen your results you are doing really well...... keep it up.... and stop Clare scoring all the own goals 
20/2/2002 16:27 GMT  scott sutcliffe
just wanted to wish you girls good luck for sundays game against north ferriby wicked site i work with michelle tudor is she any good? good luck for the future 
20/2/2002 15:54 GMT  Jez Horgan
Hey Kirklees Ladies, if you fancy a tour come on down to Bournmeouth for a great night out and you can give us a thrashing on the pitch as we are a struggling Divvie 5 (soon to be relegated men teams in the South. Alternatively check out our website on 
20/2/2002 14:48 GMT  Tor Morley
Hey! wicked site! just to let you know, we (wollaston vics L.F.C) have just opened our site, we have put you down as a link if perhaps you could return the favour?! that would be great., take a look and let us know what you think. take care and the best of luck to ya! 
19/2/2002 14:35 GMT  scalby lfc fans
19/2/2002 12:23 GMT  Gemma
Just wanted to say good luck to Mary and Kath........... :) 
16/2/2002 17:32 GMT  Lee
i have just had a quick look on your site for some pics of the team & to my dismay i couldn't find any, until i stumbled onto your news page where i was told to watch this space for pics of the ladies in action, plz can us chaps have some pics of the ladies in the showers after a game as this would make me a very happy man. Also if there are any lonely ladies in the team that want to give me a ring for some fun over the phone ring me on 07815608666. But only ring on friday & saturday nights after 21:00. 
16/2/2002 10:11 GMT  henry hyams
ginners, you've got a nice arce and you know it!! please don't avoid the showers from now on, we have to work with your (very) smelly feet. 
15/2/2002 12:27 GMT  Sara "nice arce - allegedly!"
Thanks for the great profile Stovies, will beware in the shower from now on!!! 
13/2/2002 21:03 GMT  Ricky Cartwright
you women are boring, although i have to say young nicola is obviously the star player! 
13/2/2002 10:04 GMT  osman bin laden
lets have those shower pics on the site 
12/2/2002 11:19 GMT  David 'us' Steadman (New Ward)
Doh, by the way its 
12/2/2002 11:16 GMT  David 'us' Steadman
Christine, thanks for visiting our site again. You can now see what our B team players look like on our site in our Meet the B team section, our A team pixs will be going up soon aswell. Let me know what you reckon. Good Luck and speak soon. 
12/2/2002 11:09 GMT  Claire
hi i heard you were very unlucky to lose on sunday, never mind am sure itl get better!! good luck for next week. 
11/2/2002 19:35 GMT  Richard Hanvey (meltham)
I see you left a message on the Irish centre website why did you not give me a bell. I'm 5'10' with GSOH and some fantastic legs. I have a tendency to run like a chicken and my mum is well fit. I don't like to boast but if any of you are around new college just give us a wave or shout my nickname CHICKEN HANVEY !! great isn't it. ciao 
8/2/2002 19:20 GMT  David
Good site ladies. keep up the good work and keep an eye on our site for new ideas James is always changing things around. David, Coach Cassiobury Rangers u15 Giants 
8/2/2002 19:06 GMT  James
To all you girls at Kirklees Ladies, i like the site, and sarah ginley sounds well fit- on the profiles it says a great smile and great butt!! whey hey. Iam James from it would be great for some pics of you yorkshire babes, oh yeah great poll 2. quality site, good luck this season, i think u will win the league, sitting nicely in 3rd place. Up Kirklees Ladies!!  
8/2/2002 16:33 GMT  Hamish
Come and check out the boys at !! 
8/2/2002 15:54 GMT  ilmington rev
at last, you've bowed down to peer pressure. we at ilmington look forward to the arrival of the photos. milky 
8/2/2002 12:35 GMT  Mark Lemm - Reading YMCA
Great site - check out ours if you get a chance! 
7/2/2002 21:46 GMT  bilborough fc
I see someone else has left a message from us, making promises they can't keep, and demonstrating our proficiency for elementary spelling mistakes. Nice site (bit green for my liking), a little disappointed that we're not in a mutually exclusive relationship, like I had imagined.............not sure I can bring myself to look you in the eyes again..............I'm off to seek consolation in the arms of the Wakefield Ladies Site. 
7/2/2002 20:26 GMT  saz
if you dont have a full squad how come you are doing so well in the league 
6/2/2002 18:14 GMT  The Gaffer @ New Pack Horse
Thanks for your best wishes in our Guest Book. I am going to look around your site when I have finished this message. Hows about an end of season friendly sometime, we promise not to be too rough! and the beer is great in the New Pack Horse. If you ned to get fir, have a look at our Fitness Experts advice on our messages. Best of Luck girls, keep the flag flying for Womens Soccer. 
6/2/2002 14:22 GMT  rocky(scunthorpe ladies)
hi i was wondering if you are still recruting new players  
4/2/2002 11:45 GMT  sally (wakefield ladies fc)
Just browsing and reading your latest news and want to wish you luck in finding new players and building your squad . It would be a shame if it came to the worst and you had to fold . Hope you find players soon and good luck for the rest of the season . 
4/2/2002 11:39 GMT  parsons green
come on girls, get them out for the lads 
4/2/2002 10:48 GMT  Martin (Ossett Albion)
Well played on Sunday girls, the match was played in a good spirit again, and your determination never wavered throughout the match, great goal Mary and all the best to you and Kath at your club. ps i think your No.11 Simone Lodge ran your keeper very close to the player of the match. Good luck against Battyeford next week. 
2/2/2002 18:56 GMT  angela
to the "netballer" we are NOT all lesbians!! and at least we have skills unlike netballers who need no skill anyone can play netball. nuff said. bye the way great site and good luck to everyone who plays football !!! i love it !!!!! 
1/2/2002 11:06 GMT  Claire
Hi ive heard you are struggling to put out a full squad of players week in week out,just wondered if you would b interested in adding to your squad with some Huddersfield players???write back asap 
31/1/2002 18:15 GMT  Vicky
thanx for the message on our website ( good luck for the rest of the season. 
28/1/2002 14:42 GMT  Paul O'Boyle
Hi I play for Reading YMCA and noticed you have visited our site, so I thought I'd have a look at yours - very impressive indeed but do you have a picture of Sara Ginley's arse??!! 
27/1/2002 21:42 GMT  Tony Reekie (Reith Rovers)
Isnt it marvellous. The first time we've ever had any message from any other team and the only thing we want to check up on is to see whether you have photos or not......ah, we are almost as sad as our football skills. Good luck for the season, you sound like you need it even more than we do playing with the highly unusual 4-3-1 system, and if you are ever looking for a comfortable friendly in edinburgh then you are most welcome - and you'll most likely stuff us too. 
26/1/2002 11:27 GMT  Hepworth utd
get some photo's on your profiles so we can see if any of u lot r worth a second glance 
25/1/2002 13:25 GMT  David Rayner
Christine - Could you please let me know how you manage to get that moving banner on you home page. I have just set up my own site for FKA 'No Ball' CC and would like to spice it up. Hope you can help me 
24/1/2002 21:45 GMT  Vlad
Greetings from Sweden - Chckout 
24/1/2002 18:49 GMT  Paul McGlynn
I am willing to ick you up at JFK airport if you can get a tour together. We are based in Queens 2 miles from Manhattan Island. Anyone fancy a trip to NYC, we can arrange a couple of friendlies and plenty of boozy evenings !!  
24/1/2002 15:17 GMT  Bilborough F C
Sorry nobody has replied to your posting on our site before now but we have only just had our grounding lifted by the manager after last weeks mauling (our first defeat of the season in the league)we will indever to keep in touch from now on and please note that there are no sexist remarks from us. GOOD LUCK  
24/1/2002 13:45 GMT  Jam
All the very best this season and just a quick reminder that Blackpool FC will dominate the soon to be played LDV Northern final!!!!! 
24/1/2002 12:09 GMT  Sherwood Ach
Girls - a few of our team are out in Leeds this weekend. Where are the best places to go?  
23/1/2002 15:30 GMT  parsons green
u sound boring so get your kit off for the lads! 
23/1/2002 13:00 GMT  Andy
Hello lovely ladies of Leeds. Can't think why you left a message having seen our team photo. Hope your season is reborn with the spring, and if you fancy some summer fun, drop us a line and we'll fix up a match! Hugs and Kisses from Sherwood Achilles. 
22/1/2002 22:21 GMT  Ilmington Revolution
Ladies, it is obvious that there has been some chat going on between clubs. Therefore I would like to invite you to some sought of friendly activity. We are not particulary fussy on whether you would like to come to us or we can come up to you. 
22/1/2002 18:59 GMT  Skip
From Dowty Arle Court C.C . . . you have been busy, lucky the internet is here, woulda cost you a fortune in stamps! Good luck! x 
22/1/2002 16:17 GMT  Coach
Just replying to your message.Hope your barren spell comes to an abrupt end,have put you on our links keep visiting and leave plenty of messages of abuse for our players as our players will probably pester you to death now, most are sad and single and tend to use these womens sites as dating 
22/1/2002 15:18 GMT  Rich 'Milky' James - Ilmington Revolution
Well, it looks as though the name of Kirklees Ladies is being spread far and wide thanks to the enigma that is intheteam. I must add to the comments from other interested parties that there is a concerning lack of photographs of your squad within the website. We at the Revolution pride ourselves on our player photos constantly improving them to ensure that we look as comical, ugly and as undesirable as is possible!! I'm sure we'll an eye on your results over the course of the season. Milky. PS - one of our players hails from Leeds and may well be interested in coaching you. Pop onto our website and ask specifically for Jono Openshaw!! 
18/1/2002 16:04 GMT  NY Irish Rovers
Alright girls, how about a preseason friendly? Thanks for loggin in to our site Anyhow, if a few of your delegates want to come visit our club we will accommodate them in our usual, unusual style. Only send the "stunnas" customs here is very tight these days and we don't want any problems. So girls, sort it out and end them over. 
18/1/2002 14:27 GMT  Richard Whipps (Goalkeeper 26 - Nice Bum)
Hello ladies, thanks for the message,we have been on your website and are not too happy that there are no pictures of you lovely girls. We will have to send you our own Football Team Calendar!! Maybe you would like to come down to sunny Bournemouth Club Capital of the South in the summer for our end of season 6 a side tournament. Hope you have some better results than previous, good luck for the rest of the season. Richie. 
17/1/2002 20:26 GMT  the lads
gud look to u 2.....shame u aint got ne pics on profiles!!!!!! check out ours on husc.xx. 
17/1/2002 15:12 GMT  nobody
hey girls! nice site! sorry to hear of you lot losing against ferriby but keep your heads up, thats not a bad result against a team like that! 
16/1/2002 11:57 GMT
Thanks for your message on our web site. What about getting some photographs up on your web site? 
16/1/2002 00:42 GMT  Chester-le-Street Town Ladies FC
Thank for visiting CLS site - you played next to our Reserves on Sunday and we kept looking at your team for tips!! That is how Huddersfield got their goal!! We have had a great time this season visiting teams in the Y & NH and look forward to the small-side tournament in May to renew some old aquaintances. Best of luck for the rest of the season from everyone at CLS. 
15/1/2002 21:59 GMT  wlfc
thanx for visiting our site...hope you've managed to pick up a few players..good luck for the rest of the season 
15/1/2002 20:59 GMT  ?????
hey there you were playing on the pitch behind chester-le-street reserves against huddersfield, what was your score? chesta won 4-1 
15/1/2002 17:27 GMT  Blyth Town Girls U14's
Hi thanks for visiting the site. We will add you to our links. Good luck 4 the rest of the season Blyth Town Juniors 
15/1/2002 17:08 GMT  Richie Matin (New Ward F.C)
Hello ladies, all the very best. Dont listen to 'us', you will definately slaughter our 'A' and 'B' teams, no problem. We wish you all well, thanks for your message. 
15/1/2002 14:33 GMT  Georgie (Docklands Ladies)
Thanx for visiting our site, good luck with the rest of the season. Docklands Ladies FC! 
15/1/2002 13:47 GMT  David Rayner (HUSC backroom staff)
Good site ladies! What's happening? Why are all your players leaving? Is it just ladies being ladies or what? It would be nice to see pictures of your lovely team members in your profile section. Keep us informed!  
15/1/2002 13:36 GMT  Ian Walsham (HUSC)
Hello Christine. Thanks for visiting our site. Best wishes for the season. I think you had better twin up with us, because Broadford Plant are obviously being a bit personal saying you only HAD 8 men ! By the way, we regularly have upto 16 men READY AND AVAILABLE sitting in a minibus (fuelled up)ready to roll upon your command.  
14/1/2002 21:35 GMT  Broadford Plant
Sorry to hear you only had 8 men on Sunday....we'll lend you some for this weekend if you like!!!.....If you fancy linking our site with yours let us know....Hope things get better Good Luck for the rest of the season 
14/1/2002 17:24 GMT  Michelle Atkin
Can you change the link you have for Barnsley Ladies please? Our web site is Hope you sort things out for the rest of the season. Ps Hi Nic! 
14/1/2002 17:08 GMT  David 'us' Steadman (New Ward)
Thanks for visiting our site, good luck for the rest of the season. Special mention of good luck to Christine, our favourite lady. If ever you fancy a friendly against some blokes from East London/Essex, then get in touch although your probably slaughter us. 
12/1/2002 16:00 GMT  wlfc
just read your news about 3 players quitting...sorry to hear it. hope you manage to get enough players to see the season out. pls visit us at 
10/12/2001 09:32 GMT  Henriette
Hi! I'm a girl from Denmark who olays football! Nice site! In a couple of years me and my friend is going to England and we're looking for a club! This club sounds to be great! Bye from Denmark! 
27/11/2001 01:46 GMT  Jon Pitchfork
How are things going for you at the mo, I'm constantly busy trying to keep my site up to date when I'm not at work. If you get chance fill in the form on my site then I can add a link plus contact details etc for you and there is other stuff you are all welcome to use. The address is Take care, life is mainly what you make it :-) Regards..... 
1/11/2001 18:51 GMT  Keeper
If you want to see a keeper with a nice ar*e get down to Norton!!!!! 
30/10/2001 11:06 GMT  Clare (ossett albion)
Just wanted to congratulate you on your win over us on Sunday, despite the defeat we enjoyed the match which was played in a good spirit by everyone, of course you may well agree that the scoreline ended a little one sided but the match was very even and we look foward to meeting you again at our place, your goalkeeper had a great game, along with your No. 4 and No. 9, anyway will try to do you a favour and take some points off Scalby this weekend, although that will be tough, it looks like Scalby and North Ferriby are gonna contest the title, but you never know its still early. 
20/10/2001 22:51 GMT  Member of Newark Flowserve (notts)
well girls. pretty impressive site u have. found a message on a site recently sayin to check yours out i am. the sounds of things u aint got a bad side either. if u ever fancy a friendly just visit our site. i know its a distance 2 travel but u cud make a day out of it or i cud have a word with the lads. who knows eh. well keep up the good work girls. get some pics of your team members. wouldnt mind havin a look at ya all 
19/10/2001 19:25 GMT  Footy Fan
Well done with the win, i guess it wont be third time lucky for the Plate final this year 
27/9/2001 21:29 GMT  Clare (ossett albion)
hey, good to see some activity on the site at last, well done with the great start to season, watch out for North Ferriby there a bunch of kids but are very skillfull. Check out our site for all the results in our div along with the league table at see you in the league soon. 
13/9/2001 09:06 GMT  Bazza
You definatly need some pics. If ever you fancy a "friendly" including shirt swapping at the end of course then please do not hesitate to contact us. See the website (Under construction) 
10/9/2001 05:20 GMT  Sarah
I think u need some pics of the team. 
25/8/2001 08:53 GMT  Cambridge Blues Girls F.C
Good luck for the new season.  
18/8/2001 20:53 GMT  peter
good luck this season ladies 
8/8/2001 12:34 GMT  wakefield ladies fc
hello..thanx 4 adding us 2 your links...i'll add u asap 
6/8/2001 13:45 GMT  rill
get sum pics girls!!!!! 
6/8/2001 11:56 GMT  Daz is an active and growing soccer community on the look out for supporters of all clubs. There are forums devoted to all leagues and club badges to select to be displayed beside your username. The site has been established for well over a year now and attracts fans from all over the UK and further afield. The membership has increased substantially in the past couple of months now having members from Australia, Holland, Germany and many more countries. Fans can debate all issues relating to local and international soccer as well as more general topics. Supporters of any club are most welcome to join where they will also find an excellent football news and results service plus a weekly football quiz. Members can also make use of the Technical Difficulties forum should they need any advice or have any problems with their PC. Join up today and have your say and come into contact with other supporters from across the UK and beyond.  
5/8/2001 18:17 GMT  joanna roberts
hello, i play 4 wakefield ladies & weve just set up a website with intheteam, please could you advise me on how to get the player profiles bit updated? thanks for your help ps. please sign our guest book and goodluck for next season pps could we be added to your links? 
16/7/2001 12:16 GMT  The Lawman
nice site ladies.. good luck  
12/7/2001 09:52 GMT  Emie ; Wildcat girl footballer (from under 14s)
Hey, your website is great.Thanks for visiting ours Good Luck with all your matchs ladies!  
9/7/2001 16:00 GMT  Claverdon CC
Good web site, all the best for your season. Remember Winners are Grinners 
3/7/2001 14:29 GMT  WEBBY
27/6/2001 06:33 GMT  Sarah H
Your web-site is really impressive, was it really tough to set up? I play for Norton Ladies and hope to set up a web-site soon...Thanks for the encouragement!!! 
10/6/2001 21:37 GMT  Bentilee ladsandads
Thanks for the hit good luck 
10/6/2001 13:19 GMT  L.A. Medics
Visited your site. Good luck for the coming season. Some photos would be nice. 
9/6/2001 17:42 GMT  The Chief
check our website at our league starts sunday U sound like a good team!! 
9/6/2001 16:37 GMT  Wildcats F.C
All the best for next season. 
7/6/2001 17:28 GMT  Bangor City Ladies
All the best for next season! 
6/6/2001 17:56 GMT  Peter H
Hey ladies good luck next season. I could still beat u 1 on 1 christine 
4/6/2001 11:21 GMT  Ste
Thanks for visiting our site and for your kind comments. I used to go to Uni. in Huddersfield, and have played on your home ground many a time. Good Luck in the future. 
3/6/2001 16:03 GMT  Les
Good luck next season ladies and thanks for looking at our site. I will watch your results! 
2/6/2001 14:39 GMT  Gaffer
UMMMMMM...... good luck next season, cheers for visiting our site. Maybe a pic of the keepers rear end, it would go down a treat! 
1/6/2001 18:10 GMT  KeepitClean
Come on ladies where's the link???? 
1/6/2001 11:15 GMT  Exoterix Lad
Hello ladies. Thanks for the guestbook message. Us lads are always up for a bit of action with you sexy footie ladies!!! xxx 
1/6/2001 10:56 GMT  site administrator
Alot of people visiting the website have been requesting pic's of the team, unfortunatly as lovely as we are we have no means of doing this so if any of you out there want to help us e-mail us at or leave your details in the guestbook and we'll get back to you. 
31/5/2001 20:14 GMT  Cassio Rangers
This site is good, however it needs some pics of you babes!!! If you get the chance please visit Thanks!! James Green 
31/5/2001 18:57 GMT  Locomotiv Lumpfoot FC
Good site. Wheres the pics?? Keep it real. best wishes. Loco Lumpfoot Fc. 
31/5/2001 15:10 GMT  ray
great site girls any pics GOOD LUCK next season 
31/5/2001 14:46 GMT  Tower Hamlets FC
What about a friendly match against us, we are a mens side based in East London, please let me know Duncan. 
31/5/2001 13:44 GMT  Dean (Exoterix FC)
Come on ladies we would like to see some pics of yourselves. Let's see some mugshots or anything more extreme will be great! Thanks for visiting our site by the way. 
31/5/2001 12:19 GMT  Ellerslie AFC
Hi there to the person that left a message on our Website if you want to see how your website could look come and visit us there and have a look its a lot of hard work but worth it. I am doing all the profiles on our ladies team this weekend (hopefully by Monday) with Photos provided there is some great players in our ladies side with 4 International players. My father is also from Hull close to you Gals I expect the family name is Trowill know any of them??? Feel free to look at my site again and thanks for viewing mine. Jason XXX 
31/5/2001 07:10 GMT  Bauer Bandits
Lets see some photo's on the site. We want to know if it is worth coming up to a game. 
30/5/2001 20:46 GMT  Vinny (Willowfield Celtic)
Goalkeeper with a nice ar*e?!! Ill believe it when I see it. 
30/5/2001 20:39 GMT  Arthur
Just interested in your site after u left a message on ours. ( we do appreciate the message left and just thought it would be nice to say thanx and wish u all the best next season. 
30/5/2001 18:23 GMT  Talisman F.C. The Gaffer
Thanks for visiting our site. 
30/5/2001 17:54 GMT  HTTP://
der i fancy a bit of curry 
30/5/2001 12:24 GMT  Interpon Bensham Arms FC
Someone's obviously got nothing better to do than trawl right thru the intheteam site. Hope u pick up some tips and look forward to seeing your results, match reports & pics (especially the pics!!) 
29/5/2001 12:59 GMT  WITHDEAN ATHLETIC F.C. do realise that we have just returned from a tournament in Amsterdam, and will be expecting a lot from you. !!!! 
29/5/2001 10:50 GMT  EMLEY ACADEMT AFC
Consider it done.A link for you has been added.Please keep your half of the bargin and add our link Cheers ladies and good luck for next season. Best regards 
29/5/2001 10:35 GMT  Willowfield Celtic
Appreciate the comment on our site. A few pictures and player profiles would go down well. Good luck for next season 
28/5/2001 16:57 GMT  EMLEY ACADEMY AFC
Tell u wot,Ill get u numerous more hits if you knock our hits up to 100.Trust me!!!Visit and see some sexy pieces of work! Leave sum messages in our guestbook and someone will get back to you Good Luck next season and best regards 
28/5/2001 16:37 GMT  Abbeyfc
Like the sight, any chance of a pre-season friendly, and I do not suppose you know anyone called "Trigger" 
28/5/2001 15:30 GMT  A netballer
Women shouldn't play football, it's just wrong. You're proabably a bunch of lezzers 
28/5/2001 11:02 GMT  OrtonRangers FC
If you want a pre-season game in Birmingham,then come 2 us.We have just won the Sutton Coldfield & District premier league. You would be made most welcome. Gregg,ORFC & AVFC. 
28/5/2001 09:33 GMT  Steve 'The Boss' Workman
Saw your message on the mighty Alvechurch Darts site...keeping coming back for more....when you see the end of season photos on our site next week, you will see what I mean!! Just returned from our annual end of season jolly to Torquay...this year was especially good...parading the division 1 trophy around the local all the lovely ladies a glimpse of our silverware....if you want some coaching..keep in touch...load a photo on your site so you will get loadsa tits...sorry, HITS!! Regards. 
26/5/2001 20:20 GMT  Barum Red
Best of luck for next season from everyone here at Barnstaple Town F.C 
25/5/2001 12:03 GMT  enzo
Saw you were scrounging for hits on our Yorkshire brothers site Williefield Selic and thought I would oblige. We are planning a Jolly Boys Yorkshire tour in the summer and would welcome the chance of another game. cheers,\theredstar 
24/5/2001 14:02 GMT  julian - Alvechurch Darts
Nice to see u visited our website so question you all must be very fit? 
24/5/2001 13:14 GMT  Julie-Horsforth Rangers FC
it's nice to see the Women fighting back,keep it up.Try and get some pen pics, there always good for a laugh. PS How's the girl that was taken to Hospital? There was no comment in the match report? 
24/5/2001 08:07 GMT  Irish Centre
the best team in huddersfield is we're men and have very nice arses  
23/5/2001 14:08 GMT  BCFC
Women & Football - NO CANT BE??? 
23/5/2001 12:51 GMT  Keep Off?
Half of Huddersfield has seen it! 
21/5/2001 20:02 GMT  jay
17/5/2001 11:40 GMT  Gregory
gregory wuz ere b 4 u! is there any chance of a picture of Sara's very nice arse?!! 
12/5/2001 17:49 GMT  JAY
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