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Sparkling Knock from Kiely

Jim Nicholson  Monday, June 04, 2001  17:46 GMT

Saturday's match against Grange IV at Peffermill
gave EUSCC the chance to prove that they could
bat well and reach a challenging total - not
something they'd had to do in their 5 previous

Paul won the toss and put a solid and competent-
looking Grange side in to bat. As with in the
previous match against Marchmont, the Staff bowlers
didn't quite perform as well as they had back at
the start of the season - and unlike Pakistan who
seem to get a wicket off every no-ball, on this
occaision the umpires were strict about over-stepping
the line. It was good to see the Staff bowling
line-up working as a group - with Paul, Chris, Hamish
and Stewart all sharing the wickets around.
Chris and Hamish got 3 each and Paul and Stewart
two apiece as Grange were dismissed for 140 off 43

The showers that had passed over during Grange's
innings turned into what looked like being more
persistent rain over tea and at one stage the
Staff innings looked like it might not even start.
Fortunately the rain blew over and EUSCC were left
with a clear evening and rapidly drying pitch
on which to go about their run-chase.
Once again, Ken and Paul B made a good start to
the innings and were unlucky not to go beyond
their scores of 18 and 8 respectively. Their
dismissals however only brought Stewart and Richard
to the crease - one bang in form and the other due
a big score. It was Richard who shone this week
while all Stewart could do was stand at the other end
and admire a great innings. Not for the first time
this season Richard hit his first ball over square
leg for 4 and that set the tone for his innings.
He lost Stewart along the way, who was replaced by
Alan, but the Grange bowling soon began to fall
away as Richard played a range of shots and found the
gaps. His fifty came up with barely a chance
offered and though he began to tire towards
the end, managed to stick around to see the job
done as EUSCC passed their target with only 3
wickets down and plenty of overs to spare. Alan
had made a useful 21 and Richard was undefeated on

So EUSCC's winning start to the season continues -
with a visit to Glenrothes next week the next
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