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Forename:     Surname:
  Helen Margaret 'Hells Bells'  Allman
Age: 14
Right or left footed = Right footed
Favourite position = Right defence
Football history = Newcastle advanced and school teams
Favourite team = Newcastle United
Favourite player = David Beckham
Favourite t.v program = Friends
Favourite food = Pizza
Favourite place = Home and Florida
Favourite strip colour = Black and White
Favourite band/singer = Robbie Williams
Any other info = Likes Taekwon Do and basket ball
Ambition = To be as successful as Mia Hamm
  David  Allman
Role: Manager
Right or left footed = Right footed
Favourite position = Mid fielder
Football history = West Allotment Celtic, Benton Black Bull, Fusilier Forest Hall, Longbenton and New Plymouth, New Zealand
Favourite team = Newcastle United
Favourite player = Jackie Charlton
Favourite t.v program = Match of the Day
Favourite food = Chinese
Favourite place = home and Florida
Favourite strip colour = Black and White
Favourite band/singer = Western Music
Any other info = Is a Taekwon Do black belt and instructor
Ambition = To finish the bathroom
  Liz  Allman
Role: Secretary
Football history = Watching David for hours on end
Favourite team = Newcastle United
Favourite player = David and Helen Allman
Favourite t.v program = Ally McBeal
Favourite food = Chinese
Favourite place = home and Florida
Favourite strip colour = Black and White
Favourite band/singer = Queen
Any other info = likes reading and sun bathing
Ambition = To live a long and happy life
  Lisa  Bell
Role: Coach
Right or left footed = Right footed
Favourite position = Striker
Football history = Sunderland, Huddersfield, Chester Le St., Newcastle
Favourite team = Newcastle United
Favourite player = Peter Beardley
Favourite t.v program = Match of the Day
Favourite food = Pizza
Favourite place = Florida
Favourite strip colour = Black and White
Favourite band/singer = Westlife / Whitney Huston
Any other info = N/A
Ambition = To win promotion to premiership with NWFC
  Becky 'Bex'  Boakes
Age: 12
Right or left footed = Right footed
Favourite position = Striker
Football history = Newcastle advanced and school teams
Favourite team = Newcastle United
Favourite player = Craig Bellamy
Favourite t.v program = Eastenders
Favourite food = Mc donalds
Favourite place = Spain
Favourite strip colour = Yellow
Favourite band/singer = Anastacia
Any other info = I would like to play for England
Ambition = To be a P.E and History teacher.
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