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Mid Sussex Hockey Club Guestbook

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27/6/2002 14:06 GMT  Garren Neighbour & Steve Cozens
We work with Giles Musson. You all should know that he always leaves the pub early after 2 pints of shandy claiming to have a match the next day. Mind you,. we're grateful for the club in printing his nickname on the member profiles so we can now take the p*ss out of him even more than we already do. 
20/6/2002 12:50 GMT  Hobs
Well done to the Pink Ladies for a fabulous party! I for one shall be wearing pink ALL summer long, and probably most of the winter too! (Mainly because i washed my hockey shirt with the whites again!) 
14/5/2002 17:06 GMT  Caroline y
The theme of the best party in the world will be...THINK PINK! Saturday 8th june @ the clubhouse 
27/4/2002 18:25 GMT  Caroline y
Everyone must keep Saturday 8th june free because the other youngsters and i are having a social at the clubhouse. we havn't decided on a theme yet but when we do i will keep you all posted! 
26/3/2002 20:46 GMT  Duncan WA
Thanks to the hockey gods in the sky we stayed up! Well done to Greeny and Tooms for keeping us going! Apparently Gillette want to run an advert saying they shave almost as close we came to getting relegated........ 
26/3/2002 20:38 GMT  Duncan WA
Reminder - Golf day for all current and ex 1st and 2nd XI players - 28 June - contact me for more details - Paxhill, Golf all day great food and beers - less than £40!!! 07887 546497 
6/3/2002 21:55 GMT  J Clear (JC)
Hallo from Middleton Sports Club Vets. Looking forward to reading your report of our game against you on Saturday 2/3/2002!! See you again soon Bristow! JC P.S. Like the website 
18/2/2002 18:14 GMT  Katherine Buckeridge
Dear coach, then perhaps you would like to divulge the reasons why 'people' would be voting for you! 
8/2/2002 15:16 GMT  Giles Musson
In response to Mrs Buckeridge's comment. People would rather hear James recount his three hour, 12 not out innings against Polegate in 1989, than vote for his backside. Sorry. 
8/2/2002 13:16 GMT  alex hendrix
Dear Hockeyfriends. Mixed Hockey Club Castricum from the Netherlands will be visiting Sussex by the end of April this year. We travel with 2 girls teams U16 and U15 and a boys team U16. Untill now we have not been able to arrange fixtures for Monday 29th April. Would it be possible to play three youth teams of the Mid Sussex Hockey Club? We would like that very much. Thanks in advance for a quick reply. All the best, Alex Hendrix.  
7/2/2002 17:40 GMT  Anon
The 'top ten' was created on the basis of most first team appearances during 2001. Fortunately Mr Buckeridge did not qualify under this method, as he would undoubtedly have walked away with at least 98% of the votes! 
6/2/2002 22:31 GMT  katherine buckeridge
1st Team Rear of the Year - I'd like to vote for my husband, perhaps a few others would as well if his name was on the list! 
1/2/2002 23:55 GMT  Matt Desouza
Hi Guys, hope all is well. All is very good my end, if you didn't know already, I have a little boy (samuel) he is 1 in March..still playing hockey (well trying )Have been at Flett now for a couple of years. Hope to catch up the way, great site 
22/1/2002 13:15 GMT  christine
hi girls! good luck for the rest of the season! please visit us at and sign our guestbook 
18/1/2002 17:18 GMT  Hobbie
Fantasy League points coming soon... watch this space! 
31/12/2001 17:55 GMT  bean
Happy new year. hope nobody has eaten too much as training must be starting again soon with the first league game shortly after. I am currently keeping trim by throwing money on to tables at vegas. Greenie i have also been going for runs, poor mexican food i am afraid. hope you all have had a good holiday and look forward to seeing you in the new year. Holmes i expect that you will need to be roll out of the house afrter too much food and drink! 
21/12/2001 13:21 GMT  James Musson
Where's the latest fantasy scores? 21/12/01 
25/11/2001 10:50 GMT  Anna Gardiner
Couldn't resist taking a look at the player profiles, particularly those of some of my old friends - Julie Swaysland and Fitz!! Also as an old timer, I just wanted to congratulate Mid Sussex on having one of the best hockey websites I have seen and on also being one of the most socialable clubs in Sussex. One that I would return to time and time again. Hope to see you all soon! 
23/11/2001 12:50 GMT  Hobbie
Sorry...! Yes, AND no! 
22/11/2001 14:55 GMT  Fitzie - LT
Hobbie - Whatever Heppen to a Yes or no Answer 
20/11/2001 20:09 GMT  SAM PARSONS
When do we get our discount booklets. If any body knows can they e-mail me Thanks sam p.s Fitz i see you are not doing very well in the fantasy league 
19/11/2001 00:51 GMT  free porn :- 
5/11/2001 13:40 GMT  Hobbie
Some interesting points Mr Fitzpatrick. Perhaps at this point I should mention that the Fantasy League is still very much in it's infancy and as such at the end of each season comments and suggestion will be sought in order to amend/improve the League. All suggestions will be considered if not always implemented. In reference to the points you raise: Any player can score goals therefore the hat-trick bonus is available to everyone - not just the forwards. In contrast only the defence/goalkeeper gets 10 points for a clean sheet, midfielders get 5 points. The forwards get none. Also if the team doesn't score the forwards and midfield are penalised (minus 5 & 3 points respectively). Admittedly the chances of a goalkeeper scoring a hat-trick is remote, however goalies score points for saving penalty flicks. No other players gain points for that. For example then in a 0-0 match the forwards would be penalized for the team not scoring (minus 5), the defence would be rewarded for the team not conceding (plus 10) and the midfield would be penalised and rewarded (minus 3; plus 5 = 2 points). The difficulty in a bonus for clean sheets is tracking players who appear for different sides from week to another, or players who do not play every week. Should the defence who play for the team on the third clean sheet match get the points - will someone miss out by moving teams? Should any defender who plays in three consecutive clean sheet games get a bonus regardless of whether or not they were only available for the first, middle and last games of the season which all happened to be clean sheets? I will put your suggestion in the box for reviewing next summer. Please feel free to add more suggestions as the season continues. 
31/10/2001 12:11 GMT  Fitzie - LT
On returning to the Club I noticed how important the Fantasy League has become. Although great fun I could not notice how unfair the points system appears to be for defenders (being one under current selection). The forwards have the ablity to earn in excess of 40pts (i.e Hat trick) were as the defence can only earn a maximum of 10 points for a clean sheet. One possibility could be to offer 30 bonus points to defenders on a Hat trick of Clean Sheets. Worth thinking about Hobbie in light of the up coming game on Saturday. 
15/10/2001 14:41 GMT  Hobbie
The overall league will be published on Thursday each week and can be accessed via the club links on the left - Fantasy League III. In addition look out in the news section for a review of the week plus one of the teams' individual Fantasy League table, selected at random. This week, after another exciting win, I can confirm that the featured table will be the Mid Sussex Colts. 
13/10/2001 18:48 GMT  Sam Parsons
Where's the colts fantasy league reslts. You may think were small but we're bigger and better than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
1/10/2001 15:07 GMT  Sam Parsons
Thanks for anyone who voted me man of the match for last week 
27/6/2001 13:43 GMT  Slasher
Where's Billypickles gone ? 
19/6/2001 15:58 GMT  Hobbie
Though I question my ability to become 'a real man' Ms. Floyd's point is duly observed. Note however the patented one-man Pull Out/Stop/Flick routine which will be on display next year. This maximises fantasy league points by amassing goal assist and goal scoring points in one routine PLUS all other players need not be in the same half of the pitch leaving 10 men ready for the restart from the centre circle as the (undoubted) goal is scored. 
1/6/2001 14:54 GMT  Casey
Hobbie, be a real man and move into a slick reverse-flick manoeuvre straight from the stop. That's what Carrie's building for in next year's routine - can't you just see it? 
25/5/2001 13:57 GMT  Hobbie
A valid point Mr Musson. I will address this in three stages: (i) Of course if the existing forwards had scored in the first instance the short corner routine wouldn't be required. (ii) if the defence wasn't so aged I wouldn't have to run around quite so much and would be fresh to participate in the short corner routine and finally (iii) i stop short corners - it's difficult to score from there! Note also Fantasy League final positions (left) so there!! 
25/5/2001 13:48 GMT  Giles Musson
In response to Mr Hobden's vote to play in the forwards I feel I must point out that Simon played in the defense and was involved in the attacking short corner routine. I think we've found the answer to the 1st XI goal deficit.  
20/5/2001 15:23 GMT  Roy Gurney
How doi I login? 
20/3/2001 21:00 GMT  simon williams
What a great site and What a great likeness of hooby and DWA! Drop on by if your in the mad cow city. Cheers, the old boy 
19/2/2001 00:21 GMT  Andy Rumble
Well Done Nigel with his goal for the Martlets. Soon to be promoted. 
25/1/2001 17:24 GMT  Fitzie
Greenie I see you are back to your old ways, onto the yellow brick road. Nice to see that the team is winning again. Greg great result on the penalty flick save. See you all soon Fitzie 
25/12/2000 16:39 GMT  Lover Boy
Hi Fiona, how are u? hope ya having a good christmas! Can't wait too see you in action in the new year, making them runs from deep!! Good luck to the team for the rest of the season!!! Hope to see more of you play, especially Fi!  
22/12/2000 10:26 GMT  Slasher
Merry christmas Mids 
22/12/2000 06:55 GMT  mike jourdain
please can you tell me who scored our goals in the 5 - 5 league game and what impact this had on the fantasy league table . Hopefully not a hatrick for WDA.Great result for the ladies - Wendy says congratulations.Wishing everyone a great christmas and the boys/girls 1st teams a good party on saturday . love Wendy & Mike  
16/12/2000 15:56 GMT  Duncan WA
Calling all under 21's. The Sussex U21 Mens Tournament is on Sunday 14th January 2001. Contact Mike Jourdain 01444 413106 or me 01293 888532 for details. Mike has assured me that the the first 12 volunteers get taken out to London for a feast of lap-dancing, courtesy of the first eleven fines kitty. 
11/12/2000 21:50 GMT  Duncan WA
For details of where to get my new guide "Fantasy League success for dummies" please send your credit card details to my email address and I'll share a few hot tips with you. Just a few teasers for you youngsters....score goals, be nice to the umpire... and pass it to people who can hit barn doors...... 
5/12/2000 12:42 GMT  Michiel Blaauw
Hi! This is to inform you that we (Dutch boys team Victoria JC2) are building an organised collection of world wide hockey links on our site (Victoria JC2 - The Ultimate Hockey Web Guide). At present we've already collected over 800 interesting and/or amusing links, organised in 30 categories, and we're still adding links almost on a daily basis. I hope you're interested in putting up a link to our site on your links page, which we would appreciate very much: we love to have foreign hockey lovers surfing by. If you "link us up" your site will be included in our special Friends section! Naturally you may use our logo if you like. We also just started a Hockey SiteRing of hockey sites from all over the globe (details on the site), which creates some more traffic to the member sites, and we cordially invite you to join it. Drop us a line in our guestbook when you visit!  
3/12/2000 21:08 GMT  Carrie & Hobs
Congrats to Sam & Paul Harris for organising a splendid day gallivanting around the Sussex countryside. P.S. Has anyone found the Scotish team yet? 
2/12/2000 14:44 GMT  Ben (screams like a girl) Firmin
Good to see you beat Crawley and hope the season is going well especially as the league is definitely your bread and butter this year, see you all soon in the Ship for a Christmas drink. (p.s. tell Giles once you go below zero in the fantasy league you will never get back level, trust me l know) Good luck ! 
30/11/2000 13:11 GMT  Fitzie
Greenie next time you run out of food try not to catch a dear with your Sun Roof. Hope you get better soon, and the boys can cope without you. From the old Fart Fitzie 
17/11/2000 14:17 GMT  Slasher
Hello mids, If possible could I come down and play againest billypickles ? I have been playing for NPL Lensbury 2nds so I up to speed. Get back to me dudes. 
24/10/2000 12:22 GMT  Enzo fae The Red Star
We are a fitba team from Scotland we will happily play your ladies team at hockey, although communal showering and swapping of shirt will be deemed compulsory as will getting blitzed straight after the gemme. 
12/10/2000 11:06 GMT  Hobbie
Any club members who harbour strong desires (firstly keep them to your selves!) to play for the mixed team should make their wishes be known. Fixtures and contacts in the fixture card or speak to your captains. All welcome. Note: for legal reasons I must add that showers are NOT communal and shirts are NOT swapped at the end of matches. 
11/10/2000 22:04 GMT  Macca
How are ya all doing. Website is fantastic. I am missing not being able to play this season. Again. But it looks like your missing me in defence in the 2nd's. 9 goals!!! Hope to catch up soon. Good luck and have a great season. 
6/10/2000 10:56 GMT  Neil Ghosley
Greetings to all! The site looks great and I am sure will help keep the Club spirit going. I'm in my second season at Tunbridge Wells and am playing inside left for the Vets 2nd. Am looking forward to putting one or two past Mike Moseling when we play the Vets later on! Best Wishes to all of you for a successful season. 
2/10/2000 16:33 GMT  Jason Fitzpatrick
Good luck boys for the new Season, and of course the ladies, Casey and the new (organised) Greenie will hopefully keep me up to date on scores and Gossip. Good wins for the First Week. See you all soon Fitzie 
22/9/2000 20:35 GMT  Peter Jones
I need to set up a better web site for the "Dull Toads", a golf society made up of old Mid-Sussex hockey players. (and I do mean old, I'm talking about people like Paul Harding, and Tom Adam). Can the genius, who set up this Web site contact me and tell me how it was done. Thanks. 
12/9/2000 19:43 GMT  Sam Parsons
Where's the pictures!! Hope you all enjoy the family day on Sunday, sorry I won't be able to come. 
4/9/2000 20:40 GMT  Peter Hastings
Greetings one and all from sunny Hull....not. I'm kind of hoping things on the job front will see me back in Sussex very very soon. Best of luck for the coming season, I will get along to see you all strut your stuff. All the best, Peter 
25/7/2000 14:17 GMT  Gavin Rainbow
Good Luck for the next season - with Brian Leggat in the team, ya need it!!! 
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