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Club Constitution

Every club needs a set of rules, so everybody involved knows exactly what is expected of them, before they sign. If you sign for the club, you must abide by the following rules:
AIMS OF THE CLUB: To be a successful club; to play at the best level possible; to play the game as fairly as possible; to be well run off of the pitch; to represent the town well; we will lend our support to the Lottery Grant bid from the Blandford School, which, if successful, will lead to great facilities for the Club in the future.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICIALS: PRESIDENT: An honorary position. CHAIRMAN: To lead the club and be involved with club policy. SECRETARY: To be the link between the Club and the Dorset FA. To ensure the smooth running of the Club all year round. TREASURER: To be responsible for looking after the Club finances. To be one of two signatories and to present reports to meetings. MANAGER/S: To be responsible for running of the team and to have final decision on team selection. COACH: Will oversee the Club training and fitness policy. Other committee members will be appointed at the Clubs discretion to help with the running of the Club.
An AGM will be held to discuss and form future Club policy. Meetings will also be held regularly.
RESPONSIBILITIES OF PLAYERS: The Committee will decide on on the final details of the following:
* A time will be decided when players should turn up by on matchdays. The time may depend on whether we are home or away. It will be the players duty to arrive on time; failure to do so may affect team selection.
* A suitable system of notifacation will be decided for players who become unavailable for a match. The basic principle will be to phone the manager/s as soon as possible. Failure to do so may affect future team selection.
* The Club will be a brand new team, totally independant from any previous team. This will mean that no one player should expect his place in the side. No guarantee will be given to any player that they will be in the team on any week. Factors that will determine team selection will include: availability, commitment, form and loyalty. Players should never expect to just turn up and play.
* Players will be expected to help out before and after matches eg: putting up and taking down flags and nets, sweeping changing rooms etc.
* Players will be responsible for any fines they may pick up during a game. The Club will not pay for those fines. The player should ensure that the fines are paid on time. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the team. The Club may decide to appeal against a fine if it feels it is necessary.
* The Club will expect and encourage fair play from players at all times, to both referees and opponents.
* Players will provide their own boots and shinpads. They will also respect and look after Club property when they use it.
* A 'washing rota' will be set up and every player will take it in turns to wash the team kit and bring it to the next match.
* All players will be expected to attend Club training. This is very important for various reasons eg: fitness, team bonding/morale, tactics. Players unavailable for training should let the manager/s know in advance. Any player who misses too much training should bear in mind that it could affect team selection.
* All players should read the Club Constitution and should not sign on if they are not prepared to abide by the Club rules.
* Any queries regarding team selection and/or Club Policy,should not be discussed just before, or during, a match. The manager/s should be approached after a game or during the week.
* A 'signing on fee' will be charged every season. The amount will be decided at the AGM. This fee will go towards the running costs of the Club eg: footballs, kit, league fees, equipment and any other costs as needed.
* Every player will pay the League Registration fee as set by the Dorset FA every season.
* Sponsorship will be continuously sought to help meet running costs.
* We will look into scratch cards and other fundraising events.
* The amount to be paid by each player for each match will be agreed at the AGM. A small fee will also be set for substitutes.
* A Club website - - has been set up. This will be used to keep people informed of the latest news. It will also publicise our sponsors and let our opponents know more about us.
* We will produce fixture posters to put up around local businesses. We will look into selling advertising space around it to raise funds. We will also try to gain publicity in the local press.
* We will hold various social functions during the year, organised by the committee.
*The Club has to have basic insurance. This, however, will not worth very much at all to an individual. We advise that any player concerned about being well covered if the worst happens, should take out their own personal cover.
*Regular visits to this website should be made to keep up to date with the very latest news. Individual player details, contact numbers, fixture details etc will all be found here.

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